Clark Dry Lake loop

Clark Dry Lake is home to thousands of years of fascinating activity.  Just within the last 100 years it has been used as a homestead site for cattle ranchers, WWII bombing range, LOFAR and LWA research project, astronomically significant radio observatory station, and its current position as part of Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.  All this, while just below the surface Clark Dry Lake is teaming with life!  Spade footed toads and three varieties of brine shrimp wait patiently for the rains to fall before springing to life, mating, and watching their young reach full maturity in as little as two weeks before the water disappears.  The lake bed itself is protected and open to foot travel only, however, a well planned day trip can provide over 20 miles of exploration.  Parking is available in a variety of pull offs along S22 as well as the frequently used camping area at the start of Rock House road.  A nice hiking loop is referenced HERE.  Continuing further along Rock House road will take you past a variety of abandon industrial projects, a Cahuilla village site, petroglyphs, Alcoholic Pass, and of course the roads name sake - the Rock House ruins.